aishiteiru kara

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Hidup Mesti Ceria

yesterday , i come across this Cadburry billboard, 'Hidup Mesti Ceria'.. hmm.. nice tagging..

so, i decided to come out with mine as well..

'we cannot expect too much in our life.. sometimes, it hurts... '


Thursday, August 10, 2006

no komen

'Gebang Kedai Kopi'

DZ: saya rasa kalau too gentleman, pentadbiran akan jadi lembab..
PL: tak paaa... saya tak kisah..
DZ: betul ka Pantai dah jual kat Singapore company?
PL: takpa.. jual kat sapa-sapa pun takpa.. kalau Israel nak beli muzium negara pun kita boleh bagi jual..
DZ: tentang Proton pulak?
PL: ooo... yang tu pun takda apa-apa.. yang penting kita tak bankrupt.. jual kat company buat selimut pun
DZ: kenapa menteri-menteri selalu bagi komen dalam nada berbeza?
PL: takpa.. biasa la tu.. samy vellu cakap macam nak gaduh.. takpa.. mustapha lak cakap takda intonasi.. tu
pun takpa..
DZ: boleh ke monitor pak menteri yang taknak dengar cakap ni?
PL: oooo.. takdak masalah.. Dr Khir pun saya ligan suruh bagi tanah kat C***.. lantak pi la tanah melayu
pun.. yang penting masalah tu kena selesaaaii.. nanti kalau takdak sayur , saya nak makan apa??
DZ: ........................................


hari ni kat paper, terpampang headline ' Perompak hampa silap larikan mesin deposit cek'.. aku nak gelak pun
ade, kesian pun ade.. punyelah depa prepare nak menyamun, tapi salah target lak.. kalau kena tangkap, pas tu kena penjara lima enam tahun, tak ke sia-sia.. dan yang paling kesian, tak pasal2 la bankers tu bertambah kerja nak dibuat.. erkkkk...

moral of the story, nak merompak pun kena pass 'sijil kelayakan merompak'.. :p

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

When things goes wrong..

I've read one good article, 'HOW TO CHANGE YOUR CAREER PATH'... there are 10 steps that need to be considered..

1) u should list down all things that u like & dislike to do.. it's the key to understand your own interests..
2) allocate some time to do some study on the new career
3) acknowledge our current skill which can be used when we switch to the new career
4) enhance ur knowledge and skill that is required in the new field
5) contact, networking, croni.. :p
6) try to get some exposure in the new career field, before u end up with 'deadlock'.. :D
7) get one mentor..
8) think about it deeeeeeeeeeppppppppply... before u go into deep shit..
9) search for new job , only after u believe 110% that it's what u really want
10) think positive and be as flexible as u can about everything in the new field..

hmmmmmmmmmmmm... i havent go thru the list yet.. but, i know , deep inside my heart, i miss something in my life.. it has been more than 6 years stucked doing something that i don't like.. although , good things just happen in my current job, and i know if i work smart & hard, my future is bright here.. but , my passion is not there.. i know, lack of this, i will go nowhere.. now, i'm thinking of register for any writing short course.. better now than never.. might be late, but at least, i have tried.. coz i know, from as early as my childhood, i have already captivated by 'SALINA' and 'DI BAWAH LINDUNGAN KAABAH'.. and i'll feel rejuvenated every time i complete my poem.. hmmm.. such a pleasure..

Monday, August 07, 2006



Kembalikan aku
pada harum segar udara desa
pada redup merah senja di kaki gunung
pada kokokan ayam di hening subuh
pada hijau pokok kelapa
pada nyanyian damai burung-burung.
Kembalikan aku
pada merdu suara emak mengaji
pada leteran abah pabila adik pulang petang
pada ngomelan si kecil dan usikan si kakak
pada nyanyuk nenek dan latah mak alang
pada tulus suci hati manusia
Kembalikan aku pada fitrahku
Kerana aku makin lemas dengan udara kota yang menyesakkan..........


yesterday, i still felt the pain in my knee . it has been for months..and today i have gone to clinic to get my blood test has done some x-ray, and she confirmed no serious illness.. but , as the pain still there, she referred me to the specialist.. hopefully nothing wrong with it..insyaallah.. may be it's due to my heavy work out .. and i don't know why, suddenly my emak's face pop into my mind.. each and every time i call home, she will ask me on my knee's condition.. her love really touched my heart..

here is my 'wajah kesayangan hamba'.. their love make me alive.. i wonder if my love will last like theirs.. :)


Just feeling left alone here... Miss him ....

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Hati Sakit!!


Bila hak seorang insan dibuang dan dihenyak
Bila sebuah nama tak punya erti apa-apa
Bila tidur malam berselubung sengsara
Bila jaganya dalam seribu kekalutan dan kepayahan

Bila telinga hanya mendengar bedilan
Bila mata hanya melihat tangisan dan kezaliman
Bila hidung hanya terbau hanyir darah
Bila mulut ditutup rapat hingga tak bernafas
Bila kaki diikat tersadung ke bumi
Bila akal ditembak bersepai tak berharga

Bila jeritanku tak diendah dan didengar
Bila saudaraku memejam mata menikmati kemewahannya
Bila tanah ku berpijak mahu menelan ku ke bumi
Bila muncung rifel sudah tak bermata
Bila syaitan laknat jadi Izrail

Bila jiwa bengkak bernanah
Bila hati yang luka berdarah,
ditabur garam atasnya….

Apalah lagi yang mampu ku lakukan
Menjerit lagi biar bergegar bumi
Biar darah membasahi
Biar mataku ini tak putih lagi!!!



Thursday, August 03, 2006

My First Post

assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera..

hmmm ... 'rabu reta'.. what a name... :) well.. actually it's japanese words.. means 'love letter' in english.. i really love japan.. although i cannot speak in japanese , and haven't been there yet..errkkkk!!!

i've set up plan to go at least Tokyo by end of next year.. in another word, i have to 'ikat perut' la.. eheh.. so, pleasee.. and pleaseee... don't ever think i'm proficient enough talking in japanese.. :p

so, i could say this blog is some kind of my expressions of love... we could find that less love in the air now... full of hatred and selfishness.. my brothers has been brutally killed somewhere around the world.. yet, nothing has been done to save them.. :(

i do hope, my blog can contribute some 'little things' to the world.. serious..

to begin with, lets sing this song of love... cheers!!

Falsafah Cinta

Bila hadir kasih sayang
Tanda cinta sudah berakar
Terkadang buta hidupmu
Terkadang semangat gelora
Rasa cinta kepada keindahan
Tanda yang peka kepada kejadian
Berdiri di atas kehendak keamanan

Cinta menciptakan rindu
Juga membuat kita sendu
Semangat terbakar hangus
Hidup mesti terus
Kerana cinta duniamu berperang
Itu cinta sesat di perjalanan
Demi cinta kita terlupa dunia

Marilah kita bersama terus bercinta
Menjadi cermin untuk manusia
Hentikan tangisan rindukan ketenangan
Cinta ini penuh keindahan
Kasih dan sayang