aishiteiru kara

Thursday, August 03, 2006

My First Post

assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera..

hmmm ... 'rabu reta'.. what a name... :) well.. actually it's japanese words.. means 'love letter' in english.. i really love japan.. although i cannot speak in japanese , and haven't been there yet..errkkkk!!!

i've set up plan to go at least Tokyo by end of next year.. in another word, i have to 'ikat perut' la.. eheh.. so, pleasee.. and pleaseee... don't ever think i'm proficient enough talking in japanese.. :p

so, i could say this blog is some kind of my expressions of love... we could find that less love in the air now... full of hatred and selfishness.. my brothers has been brutally killed somewhere around the world.. yet, nothing has been done to save them.. :(

i do hope, my blog can contribute some 'little things' to the world.. serious..

to begin with, lets sing this song of love... cheers!!

Falsafah Cinta

Bila hadir kasih sayang
Tanda cinta sudah berakar
Terkadang buta hidupmu
Terkadang semangat gelora
Rasa cinta kepada keindahan
Tanda yang peka kepada kejadian
Berdiri di atas kehendak keamanan

Cinta menciptakan rindu
Juga membuat kita sendu
Semangat terbakar hangus
Hidup mesti terus
Kerana cinta duniamu berperang
Itu cinta sesat di perjalanan
Demi cinta kita terlupa dunia

Marilah kita bersama terus bercinta
Menjadi cermin untuk manusia
Hentikan tangisan rindukan ketenangan
Cinta ini penuh keindahan
Kasih dan sayang


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